How am I taking this major catastrope so well???? Because .... It's not the end the world and it's not like we are calling off the wedding. It's a "possible" set back and a major inconvienence. So I called the church yesterday to see if they had one o clock available instead of three o clock. So you can imagine my surprise to find out they didn't even have a down for 3 on the 19th of June! I was like are you kidding me!!! But I calmly told her we had secured the date since may of last year! She said they were using a new scheduling system and she was new to the position and that it more likely than not it was a typo because they could find nothing on file for the other last name that was set for 3 on my wedding day. The last name was something that started with a D so I don't know. She said Father Steve should have the right name written in his personal agenda but that he was on a conference call and she would call me tomorrow. Ugh!!!! So now it's just me waiting for that call! In all reality I could move it up two weeks or push it back two weeks... We haven't made invites or save the dates but still the added stress is not welcomed! I'll just keep thinking positive and hope that it's a big mix up!!!!'
its like a movie! oh and your totally jlo haha but don't worry just like in the movies, it will resolve itself and work out. there is always madness but its what makes the calm feel so good! just relax because there isn't much you can do till you talk to the priest.