Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Begining to Stress!........

p>Ugh! I thought I could get through this stress-free .... Wrong. This is all so time consuming.... Don't get me wrong I love doing it but truthfully it is getting to me. So we have the sp community center for sure ..... But it is a white box......I heard the Glen Tavern can hold wedding and they can do 300+.... only thing is it would be outside and Luis is not too happy about that ..... I found this other amazing place I am going to check out on Friday but it's a little over our budget and it's in Pt Hueneme. Should I stick with what we have????? I would love to do it outdoors.... The other thing about the more expensive place is that it can hold 450.... On top of all that we still have flowers decorations cake invites etc to do!!! It will all be worth it...xoxo

Monday, January 4, 2010

Wedding Diet!!!!

6 months to go and I have to get serious about getting in shape.... It's not so much losing weight as it is getting toned! I want to wear a bikini on my honeymoon and feel confident! So this is what I'm thinking:
Breakfast: coffee no real sugar, rice cake with nutella ( lovvvvvee it! I wonder how healthy it really is????? Investigation time)
Lunch: mmm idk I'm thinking soups or veggie patties
Dinner: either a veggie patty and egg or a small portion of whatever Luis mom makes anytime before 6 or the healthiest choice possible if we go out
I feel like I can do this because I am extremely motivated! Next is my exercise routine ....